We’ve grown more beautiful native plants! We have a big beautiful batch of Native Plants. Done especially in 90mm square pots. These are a good size for planting. The square pots are ideal for developing a good root system. And now we are offering special pricing of $14.50 ea or 12 for $150 Varieties of […]
Category Archives: News
Due to truck being full – we won’t be taking any more deliveries this run. Please do get in touch if you are needing anything and we can estimate how long it will be til Truck gets down to Busselton again . Usually every 3-4 weeks we go. We need to fill the truck Busselton […]
We have a big beautiful batch of Native Plants. Done especially in 90mm square pots. These are a good size for planting. The square pots are ideal for developing a good root system. And now we are offering special pricing of $14.50 ea or 12 for $150 Varieties of natives – lots and lots of […]
Grafted Avocado Tree Varieties Recommended planting tips Right now, we have younger avocado trees , grafted and grown out in 90mm square tubes. Varieties we have are Hass (A) flowering type Reed (A) flowering type Fuerte (B) Flowering type Bacon (B) Flowering type Normally we would pot these on this time of year […]
Lemons, Limes Mandarins Oranges Grapefruit Finger Limes and Kaffir Limes How to grow a healthy productive citrus tree in the Southwest and Perth. Your Planting Mix is everything. And will affect the health and cropping of your trees. Citrus love a warm, free draining soil filled with compost and nutrient. Plant Citrus trees in […]