How to Grow Your Own Mango Trees

Mango Tree Grafted Kensington Pride


These are the Varieties that grow well in Perth and the Southwest.

Kensington Pride


Good sized trees. – Ready to plant in a sunny spot in the garden, away from windy areas.

To control the size of your  mango tree, Prune the tips of the tree when planting to make a bushier almost shrub-like tree and you’ll get more fruit as well !

Keep  these pruned every year – the bushier the tree, the more fruit you get.

As always, planting media is everything.

Soil must be free draining. No heavy clays.

Please use a mix that includes well composted organics, and additives that help retain water and nutrient. We have our planting mix avail by the bag that includes clay,(clay is used as an additive for SANDY soil) volcanic rock dust (choccas full of minerals) zeolite and bio char help hold onto nutrient and soil conditioner as the organics that will feed the microbes that feed the tree.  Great for sandy soils.

Avoid manures , especially poultry manures – can be too hot and strong and also can be too wet of a mix. Unless tree is older and established.

If planting during Summer, this is fine, you’ll get it off to a good start with great root growth. Just make sure you keep the water up to it – check your irrigation – drips are unreliable – check the soil that water is not channeling and that the roots are growing in a beautiful aerated soil profile, that allows the tree to uptake nutrient. Use a good quality slow release fertiliser upon planting.

You will also need to protect mangoes from the winters for the first few years. Young trees don’t tolerate frost and can set it back severely or kill the tree. Much the same as an avocado tree. Use a 50%  shade cloth surround . This protects the tree from the frost/cold while the canopy grows. It also protects the trunk from the sun which can also damage the trunk or kill the tree.

Once the tree grows larger, with a sufficient canopy, it should be able to withstand and recover from light frosts.

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