Banana Plant Musa
Did you know that the Banana Tree is not considered a tree, but a herb? It’s one big giant herb – and they’re pretty easy to look after too – plant in the ground, or a pot, in an area that is protected from frosts and winds. They’ll like a sunny spot in the garden and we’ve also had success with them in part shade.
If you feed and water them well in the warmer months (they’re hungry and thirsty) they grow quite quickly forming a chunky, trunk with large tropical foliage and reward you with a crop of bananas. Banana leaves are also used in cooking and wrapping food – with customers purchasing bananas for this purpose.
Bananas are suckering plants and you can get more banana plants by planting these suckers. Removing these suckers, will increase your yield and quality of fruit. The trunk is actually formed from lots of overlapping leaves and is made up of mostly water. (Bananas will survive lack of water quite well – but won’t grow or produce fruit) Bananas in the ground require good drainage. This is easy to achieve if kept in a pot – planted in good quality potting mix.
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