Mango Tree Kensington Pride
Mango Tree Kensington Pride (aka Bowen) is a large, delicious mango that is the most common commercially grown mango crop in Australia – chosen for its superior flavour. It’s also the best performer for our area, handling our cooler climate more so than other varieties.
In the home garden, Kensington Pride can grow into a gorgeous ornamental, shade giving tree if kept free from frosts when young. They like to be planted in a sunny, sheltered position when young. They can get up to 8metres in height, but down here, most likely around 4m.
And did you know that the leaves smell just like a mango! Plant using a shade structure to protect from direct sun, which can damage the cambium layer, and damage the tree irreparably. These are a seed grown mango.
The Kensington Pride variety is polyembryonic. This particular variety will grow true to type. So you don’t need a grafted tree. It’ll take 5 or more yrs for first fruit crops to start. sometimes sooner.
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