Pink Lady apple is a large, deliciously sweet and crisp, eating apple with a tart flavour. Great for eating fresh, straight off the tree! Fruit is a green base colour with blushes of pink all over. Great for cooking – pies, sauces, stews and even salad as it’s is slower to turn brown.
Pink ladies are also known as Cripp’s Pink, named after the man, John Cripps, who bred them- here in WA! They are a cross between a Golden Delicious and a Lady William. Did you know – These same 2 parent apples, also bred another apple and named it Sundowner :) Happy Families!!
The tree can grow to 6-8m and can be controlled for backyards by pruning so that you can reach the fruit when ripe. If you plant a few close together, this will stunt the growth of all the trees. Pink Lady fruit is a low chill variety with apples ripening late in the season.
You’ll need another apple close by to pollenize your Pink Lady. Good Pollenizers are Fuji, Red Delicious, Granny Smith, or Gala.
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