These are fruiting in the nursery and it’s so lovely watching them flower and now fruit. Such a sweet plant to look at and it’s really fun to watch them turn blue. They like filtered light around here as well as full sun. These would be great for pots, as they like an acid soil and you could use a good quality potting mix that has a low pH.
*Update We have grown these out in large pots in a sunny spot and they’re fruiting beautifully.
This “Australian bred naturally dwarf Blueberry variety” has been selected by PlantNet® with the consumer in mind and is characterised by its extremely large fruit size, high yielding, early season flowering and early season harvest which makes it unique. If all of our recommendations on the Blueberry plant care page are followed carefully, fruit size can be achieved up to dollar coin size which is at least 3 times bigger than current Blueberry varieties available to the home gardener. Harvest starts in early July in warmer areas and August/September in cooler growing areas.
The extra large fruit size has been obtained by traditional plant breeding methods, which has taken the plant breeder many years to perfect.
The fruit is a crisp fleshed, sweet fruit, harvested over 3 – 4 months resulting in a constant supply of delicious, healthy fruit, filled with anti oxidants. Blueberries have been nick named Brain Berries and Youth Berries because of the high anti oxidant levels in them.
This variety is an evergreen, “naturally dwarfing” variety growing to 1.0m high x 0.75m in width. It is self fruitful and because of its low chilling requirement can be grown anywhere in Australia. This variety has been growing in trials in both warmer and cooler climates in Australia with great success in all climates.
The Australian home gardener will be in for a treat when they get their hands on this exceptional Blueberry variety, and if purchased in Autumn – late Winter has the potential to supply Blueberries in that same Winter.
Blueberry Burst can be eaten fresh straight from the plant, frozen for future use, used in cakes and muffins and also jams.
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