Category Archives: Plant Nutrition

When Is The Best Time to Plant?

planting tree

Chances are, the reason you’re reading this article is because you’ve got some plants to get in the ground.   So here’s our quick answer –  yes, it is ok to plant right now, what ever time of year it may be. You see, we’re opportunistic around here and know that ‘when you’ve got the time’  is […]

Rock Dust Fertiliser for Plant Health

magnolia LIttle Gem Rock Dust

  Add Basalt rock to your garden. It’s volcanic and chokkas full of minerals. Rock Dust Fertiliser for Nutrient Dense Plants. The only supplementary gardening products we promote and sell is stuff we actually use in the nursery for growing and maintaining the plants to the standard that you see out here.  As well as […]

Edible Garden Workshops With Peter Coppin

peach tree fruit

In the nursery, we get lots of questions regarding fruit trees. How to plant them, train them, prune them, water them and what to do when things go awry.   While we are always happy to discuss and answer your questions and dilemmas, we thought we’d get one of WA’s most respected horticultural consultants, Peter […]