Native Plants -Mostly Grevilleas- Big Beautiful Batches

We have a big beautiful batch of Native Plants. Done especially in 90mm square pots. These are a good size for planting. The square pots are ideal for developing a good root system. And now we are offering special pricing of $14.50 ea or 12 for $150

Varieties of natives – lots and lots of Grevilleas. Some others as well coming soon.

Grevillea Varieties

Autumn Waterfall

Carpet Queen

Carramar Red

Coconut Ice


Olivacae Red

Olivacae Yellow

Scarlett Sprite

Tucker Time Fruit Box

Winter Delight

Red Sunset

Woolly Bear Hero


Myoporum Parvifolium – ground cover.

Callistemon LIttle John

Callistemon Kings Park Special

Chamelaucium Purple Pride

Chameleucium Petticoat Pink

Adenanthos – Albany Woolly Bush

-Sericius Compact


-Silver Silk