Category Archives: Fruit Trees

How to Plant Your Avocado Tree

grafted avocado tree Reed

You’ve just got your hands on an avocado tree. It’s still a baby and just like a baby, it doesn’t like being left out in the cold, wind or sun. It’s been in a nice cozy spot inside a hothouse or greenhouse, where it has been protected from the winter and summer extreme temps. Protecting […]

Avocado Trees For Your Backyard

Avocado Tree Hass

*For avocado varieties currently available go here >> avocado trees we grow   We have a good climate to grow avocados down here in Bunbury, Perth and the rest of the southwest. Avocados are in demand and there are many orchards in WA from up north Carnarvon way, down south to Manjimup and Pemberton – […]

Fruit Tree Pollination

bees on citrus blossom

If you want your fruit trees to bear fruit, pollination needs to take place – which leads to fertilisation (mixing of male and female pollen to create new seeds) Some fruit trees are self fertile, that is, they produce flowers that can be pollinated by their own pollen – like Citrus varieties, Peaches, Nectarines, Apricots, […]