Grafted Avocado Tree Varieties

Avo Reed Seedling

Grafted Avocado Tree Varieties


Recommended  planting tips

Right now, we have younger avocado trees  , grafted and grown out in 90mm square tubes.

Varieties we have are

Hass (A)  flowering type

Reed (A) flowering type

Fuerte (B) Flowering type

Bacon (B) Flowering type


Normally we would pot these on this time of year and with the weather warming up, it is a great time for them to put on lots of new growth.

But since demand for avocados has been so strong, especially for B types, we are offering them up for sale now. You do the growing out.

Best thing to do is repot them into a pot around 3-4l. And use a premium potting mix.  You don’t want to skimp on the potting media. You want a free draining mix that holds onto water and also nutrient for maximum growth.

We have avail our own potting mix here – 35l bag $18.50. Contains a 12 month fertiliser. So pretty much, you can pot your avo into it and leave it be.

Place on your patio or somewhere protected. And make sure it is watered well, especially as the days warm up. The pots can dry out fast due to the small size.


Avo Reed Seedling