Try this Plant Combination.
Here’s a recipe for a beautifully fragrant garden.
Many of you come in to see us and you’re starting from scratch. You’ve got a brand new open space with nothing in it You would think that would be easy right? But sometimes it’s often harder to choose which plants go together when there’s a new space to fill.
Following on from the first article here on plant suggestions. Here’s another plant grouping idea – These plants are classic and won’t date. They all work together beautifully and bonus! – If you like fragrant gardens, you’ll love this one. The flower colours in this plant group are all white with a splash of red.
Magnolia Little Gem – Plant these and they’ll grow into small trees that will delight you with their intermittent, year round, large white flowers. You could Plant these down a fence line, or make a screening hedge. Little Gem’s rarely give you any trouble and are very easy to grow.
Gardenia – beautifully fragrant white flowers from late Sring all the way to late Autumn. This one grows a about 1m x 1m. Plant in full sun or part shade. Great to underplant as a low growing hedge underneath the Magnolia Little Gems
Chinese Star Jasmine – star shaped white flowers in late Spring and smaller flushes again in Summer and Autumn. Use as a climber, or let ramble as a groundcover. Looks gread clipped into shape or hedged. This plant is well bahaved and easy to manage. Star Jasmine is quite a tough plant too, can cope well climbing up steel structures and handle the hot afternoon sun all while looking stunning.
Mini Agapanthus – Double Diamond
Agapanthus have been around forever. And there’s a good reason why. They’re tough as old boots and look really nice in the garden, especially in Summer time when they put on a lovely flower show. This one is a miniature agapanthus. Double diamond has ruffle like flowers and they only grow to 50cm. Foliage is small too. Great for a border, or ground cover.
Now add Prunus Nigra – (ornamental flowering plum) for a splash of deep plummy, burgundy colours. Work in odd numbers. If you’ve room for more, add 3!
OR add…
for a beautiful, graceful small tree. This one is the green Japanese Maple. It handles our weather beautifully, and is such a beauty in the garden. This one has foliage that emerges at green with hints of red in Spring time. Turns reddish in Autumn. Adds that extra bit of charm.