New Garden? Try These Plant Combinations

Green Japanese Maple Foliage

Try this Plant Combination.

Here’s a recipe for a beautifully fragrant garden.

Many of you come in to see us and you’re starting from scratch. You’ve got a brand new open space with nothing in it  You would think that would be easy right? But sometimes it’s often harder to choose which plants go together when there’s a new space to fill.

Following on from the first article here on plant suggestions. Here’s another plant grouping  idea – These plants are classic and won’t date. They all work together beautifully and bonus! – If you like fragrant gardens, you’ll love this one. The flower colours in this plant group are all white with a splash of red.


Magnolia Little Gem –  Plant these and they’ll grow into small trees that will delight you with their intermittent, year round, large white flowers. You could Plant these down a fence line, or make a screening hedge. Little Gem’s rarely give you any trouble and are very easy to grow.

magnolia LIttle Gem Rock Dust







Gardenia – beautifully fragrant white flowers from late Sring all the way to late Autumn. This one grows a about 1m x 1m. Plant in full sun or part shade. Great to underplant as a low growing hedge underneath the Magnolia Little Gems

Gardenia Florida







Chinese Star Jasmine – star shaped white flowers in late Spring and smaller flushes again in Summer and Autumn.  Use as a climber, or let ramble as a groundcover. Looks gread clipped into shape or hedged. This plant is well bahaved and easy to manage. Star Jasmine is quite a tough plant too, can cope well climbing up steel structures and handle the hot afternoon sun all while looking stunning.

Chinese star jasmine








Mini Agapanthus – Double Diamond

Agapanthus have been around forever. And there’s a good reason why. They’re tough as old boots and look really nice in the garden, especially in Summer time when they put on a lovely flower show. This one is a miniature agapanthus. Double diamond has ruffle like flowers and they only grow to 50cm. Foliage is small too. Great for a border, or ground cover.

Agapanthus double diamond







Prunus Nigra

Now add Prunus Nigra – (ornamental flowering plum) for a splash of deep plummy, burgundy colours. Work in odd numbers. If you’ve room for more, add 3!

Prunus nigra Flowering Plum in the Garden






OR add…

Japanese Maple

for a beautiful, graceful small tree. This one is the green Japanese Maple. It handles our weather beautifully, and is such a beauty in the garden. This one has foliage that emerges at green with hints of red in Spring time. Turns reddish in Autumn. Adds that extra bit of charm.

Green Japanese Maple Foliage