Hosui is a large, juicy Nashi with a sweet flavour and low acid and is excellent for eating. Skin has a bronzey colour to and fruit should be allowed to ripen on the tree for best flavour and texture.
Also called an Asian Pear – Nashi is round like an apple, but with more crunch and tang.– They’re semi self fertile, meaning you’ll get some fruit on the tree, but they benefit from having another tree close by for cross pollination which will result in more fruit.
Pollinators for Hosui include Kosui and Twentieth Century. You can also use other European Pear varieties like Barlett.
The Nashi Pear is a low chill fruit, meaning you have more chance of fruit production if you’re in a warmer spot. They have less chilling requirements than a traditional pear. The Nashi tree is a heavy cropper. Thinning out of the fruit may be necessary to ensure good size fruit and to prevent young branches from snapping from the weight of the fruit.
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