So you’re searching for trees for that will provide shade and green up your small plot of land – you want evergreen foliage all year round, and a tree that keeps the same form and shape every year and season, not deciduous – you’re not interested in cleaning up the leaf mess in Autumn and you simply don’t want to look at a bare tree without leaves – and you want a small tree cause you don’t want roots breaking up your brand new paving area or getting into the pipes.
Here’s a couple of things to consider – did you know that Evergreens tend to shed and replace foliage throughout the year as opposed to deciduous trees that shed only once a year? Evergreens tend to lose their leaves gradually, you don’t notice this happening, which leads to a common, general perception, that deciduous are messier than evergreens .
Also, Consider where you’re going to plant your tree. Trees are so important in a landscape, especially new housing subdivisions, where trees are quite non existent. They provide your landscape infrastructure, or the ‘bones’ of the garden. They make little micro-climates where you can plant other shrubs in a sheltered spot, making a home for many insects, frogs, birds and lizards. They cool your home, filter pollutants, provide oxygen, and create a great atmosphere. Deciduous trees can be useful planted in the right spot – cooling your home from the hot summer sun and in winter, when dormant, can let the sunlight in, providing natural warmth.
When planning your garden, try larger shrubs and form them into a tree shape suitable for a small yard. There’s a couple featured below – like Callistemon, and Hibiscus Cottonwood and don’t forget to look at the ultimate Multi-tasking trees – like citrus and olives – These have shallow roots and are highly ornamental and deliciously productive!
This post is about Evergreen Trees. Why not have a look at Deciduous Trees for Smaller Urban Gardens.Agonis flexuosa Peppermint tree
A med sized tree growing to around 3-5m – featuring pendulous, aromatic foliage, with pinkish coloured new growth. Agonis flexuosa makes a lovely backdrop tree helping to soften the rest of the garden with it’s weeping habit. Flowers occur in springtime and are a brilliant white.
Agonis Burgundy is waterwise once established, however it will grow quicker with regular watering and improved soil. Suitable uses would be for screening or a wind break. Agonis are perfect for coastal gardens.
Ornamental Pears
These ever so lovely trees are a great option. Fast growing, with green glossy leaves that emerge after a show of beautiful Spring blossoms, followed by Red Autumn colours, there’s an ornamental pear to suit many situations. From upright column shaped trees, like the Capital Pear, to traditional Pyramid shaped trees like the Manchurian.
Fraxinus griffithi Evergreen Ash
Evergreen Ash is a delightful shady, small tree, perfect for smaller gardens in amongst other trees or singly as a feature tree.
Plant in free draining, conditioned, moist, soil in full sun and you’ll be rewarded with a quick growing, shady, evergreen tree with handsome, glossy leaves. Can get to approx 6m.
Hymenosporum flavum – Native Frangipani
Native Frangipani are a great choice if you’re looking for an evergreen tree with sweet scented spring blossoms that vary from cream to yellow. They’re from the rainforest areas of Queensland and New South Wales, where they can grow to around 20m, but down this far South in WA, will grow into a small, upright tree not much more than 9 or 10 metres. Not related at all to the the other Frangipanis that we are all familiar with (Plumeria sp).
These trees prefer full sun, or part shade, with protection from strong winds.
Hibiscus tiliaceous – Cottonwood
Hibiscus tiliaceus rubra is a hugely popular, fast growing shrub with dense foliage from tropical Queensland and can get to approx 4-6m if left unpruned. Does quite well this far South and can tolerate coastal and windy conditions. Gorgeous, red and green heart shaped leaves make this shrub very ornamental with attractive yellow flowers.
Use this to screen your neighbours or hide a fence.
Callistemon Kings Park Special
Callistemon Kings Park Special are fast growing bottlebrushes and can quickly get to 5m and they attracts lots of birds and pollinating insects in spring when laden with flowers. (and also in autumn when flowers can bloom again) This is a good choice for a quick growing screen.
Callistemons are quite tolerant of many soil types and can be grown in sandy and clay type soils. Ideally, your soil would be conditioned with lots of compost to ensure lots of new growth.
Eucalyptus caesia – Silver Princess
Spectacular small tree, growing around 5-6m tall. With the sweetest bright,red flowers straight out of a May Gibbs- ‘Gumnut Babies’ book. It has a weeping habit with silvery branches, making it lovely as a feature tree.
Likes to grow in sandy, well drained soil in the sun or shady spots. Responds quite well to pruning to maintain a nice shape. Stake while young to get nice straight growth.
Magnolia Grandiflora – Little Gem
Dwarf form of Magnolia grandiflora. You get the same gorgeous glossy green foliage, with a rust coloured underleaf and chunky white flowers that seem to bloom all year round! Will grow to 4 -5 metres approximately.
Little Gems are quite robust plants, handling drought and high wind areas – although will grow a lot better with regular water and conditioned soil. Plant in a sunny spot for best performance. These are great plants for an hedge or a screen.
Syzygium Bush Christmas
Highly ornamental evergreen, shrub providing interest all year round with glossy green leaves, red new growth, summer flowers and autumn berries (which are edible). If left un-pruned, Bush Xmas will grow to around 4m. We love this for topiary and hedging. It has a reasonable growth rate, so is a good choice for a screen or a hedge. The compact foliage attracts many small birds, who use it to nest.
Olea Europaea – Olive
Olives are quite suited to our climate and they can grow in those tricky spots where others have struggled. They’re a long lived tree and also make good potted specimens. Their root systems are quite shallow, so they’ll need a free draining soil – they don’t like being waterlogged. Olives are quite drought tolerant, however for good fruit production give them sufficient water. Olives ripen up in late Autumn. They all start off dark green, turning to a light green colour before turning black. Harvesting is done at either stage, light green or black before pickling or making oil.
Lemon, Lime, Mandarin, Kumquat, Orange, Grapefruit are great plants for a small garden. Glossy green foliage, amazing citrus blossoms, and the fruit is an incredible bonus!! Every yard should have at least one citrus tree. A lot of citrus grow really well in pots, especially kumquats and mandarins which are smaller citrus trees.
This is a snapshot of what we have growing out in the nursery. If you’re chasing something not listed here, contact us
Read on for Deciduous Trees for Smaller Urban Gardens.
Can’t decide? Come in for a look!